Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Bahasa Inggris

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

1.The young lady did her assignments yesterday
2.She has understand the lesson given by MR. Tono
3.The man has to call MR. Tono
4.When did she meet me?
5.Does she have to sign this letter
6.Where do you visit your mother?
7.The man whose car is new class his home work everyday

1.Her assignments were done by the young lady yesterday
2.The lesson given by MR> Tono has been understand by her
3.MR. Tono has to be called by him
4. When I was meet her?
5.Does this latter have to be sign need by her
6.Where is your mother visited by you?
7.Whose car is new everyday

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